Opening Day Parent Bulletin - Sep 3, 2019

5555 Carnarvon Street
Vancouver, B.C V6N 1J2
Tel: 604-713-5446 Fax: 604-713-5448
Principal – Dawn Sadler
Vice Principal – Teresa Wells
Director of Instruction – Pedro da Silva
Opening Day Bulletin for September 3, 2019
August 28, 2019
Dear Parents,
We would like to welcome all new and returning students to the 2019/2020 school year. We hope everyone has had a fun and restful summer and are ready for an exciting new school year. We will try hard to place students in their new classes as soon as possible. Please remember that it often takes students a few weeks to settle in to their class. We hope that you support this adjustment in a positive, encouraging way. This will help to make the school beginning a positive one. Teachers have spent many hours working on class placements as well as considering student and parent input, there are many important factors taken into consideration.
Please take a moment to attend the WELCOME BACK COFFEE in the Gym on Tuesday morning from 9-10:00 AM, sponsored by our PAC Executive.
We would like to welcome some new staff members to Kerrisdale. Please welcome Louba Podvoiskaia, French intermediate teacher, Elodie Durand, Primary French teacher, Carla Mountali, Primary French teacher, Alina Kapetanovic, French resource teacher, Angela Bonilla Gomez, librarian, Adrienne Redekopp, Area counsellor, Dora Szeitz, extra clerical, and Erin Olsen, Supervision Aide.
On the first day Tuesday September 3rd, returning students will go to last year’s class unless indicated below. Information posters will be posted throughout the school. New Grade 1 to 3 students will report to the library and new Grade 4 to 7 students will report to room 109. On Tuesday, September 3rd, school is in session from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m., we will resume regular school times on Wednesday September 4th. Beginning on Wednesday September 4th, start time is 9:00 a.m., lunch is 12:00-12:47 and school dismisses right at 3:00pm.
We are hoping to place students in their new class by Thursday as long as our student numbers and staffing levels have remained stable. If we need some extra time then we may have to wait until Friday of the first week. We would really like to have students into their new classes as soon as possible so that they can get to know their new teacher and classmates and begin their 2019-2020 school year. We would also like to guarantee that once students are in classes there will be no major changes.
Kindergarten parents will be meeting the Kindergarten teachers in their classroom.
Grade/Division (Last Year) | Teacher | Room |
Gr 6 – Div. 3 | Alison Dixon | 102 |
Gr 5– Div. 6 | Rachel Grudman | 202 |
Gr 5 – Div. 5 | Fiona Tam | 201 |
Gr 6 – Div. 4 | Brett Macdonald | 205 |
Gr 3/4 – Div. 8 | Camille McRae | 005 |
Gr 4 – Div. 7 | Julie Glover | 211 |
Gr 3 – Div. 9 | Bernie Batchelor | 003 |
Grade/Division (Last Year) | Teacher | Room |
Gr 6 Div. 16F, 17 F | Genevieve Larose | 208 |
Gr 5/6 Div. 18F | Louba Podvoiskaia | 110 |
Gr 4/5 Div. 19F | Toula Kontos | 203 |
Gr 4 Div. 20F | Edith Mercier | 209 |
Gr 3/4 Div. 21 F | Samuel Couture | 210 |
Gr 3 Div. 22F | Jean Michel Oblette | 108 |
Gr 2 Div. 23F | Elodie Durand | 101 |
Gr 2 Div. 24 F | Dalila Beggache | 212 |
Gr 1 Div. 25 F | Sharon Cohen | 111 |
Gr 1 Div. 26F | Carla Mountali | 001 |
K Div. 27F | Katy Germain | 104 |
K Div. 28F | Aimee Mehra | 103 |
FI MACC | Beth Peddle | 206 |