Students are expected to be able to do the following: Applied Design Understanding context Defining Choose a design opportunity Identify potential users and relevant contextual factors Identify criteria for success, intended impact, and any constraints
Ideating Take creative risks in generating ideas and add to others’ ideas in ways that enhance them Choose an idea to pursue, keeping other potentially viable ideas open Critically analyze and prioritize competing factors, including social, ethical, and sustainability considerations, to meet community needs for preferred futures Screen ideas against criteria and constraints
Prototyping Identify and use sources of inspiration and information and resources and biodegradability Choose a form for prototyping and develop a plan that includes key stages Evaluate a variety of materials for effective use and potential for reuse, recycling, Prototype, making changes to tools, materials, and procedures as needed Record iterations of prototyping
Testing Identify sources of feedback Iterate the prototype or abandon the design idea Develop an appropriate test of the prototype Conduct the test, collect and compile data, evaluate data, and decide on changes
Making Identify and use appropriate tools, technologies, materials, and processes for production Use materials in ways that minimize waste Make a step-by-step plan for production and carry it out, making changes as needed
Sharing Decide on how and with whom to share their product and processes Demonstrate their product to potential users, providing a rationale for the selected solution, modifications, and procedures, using appropriate terminology Critically evaluate the success of their product, and explain how their design ideas contribute to the individual, family, community, and/or environment Critically reflect on their design thinking and processes, and evaluate their ability to work effectively both as individuals and collaboratively in a group, including their ability to share and maintain an efficient co-operative work space Identify new design issues
Applied Skills Demonstrate an awareness of precautionary and emergency safety procedures in both physical and digital environments Identify the skills and skill levels needed, individually or as a group, in relation to specific projects, and develop and refine them as needed
Applied Technologies Choose, adapt, and if necessary learn about appropriate tools and technologies to use for tasks Evaluate the personal, social, and environmental impacts, including unintended negative consequences, of the choices they make about technology use Evaluate how the land, natural resources, and culture influence the development and use of tools and technologies
| The curriculum is designed to be offered in modules or courses of various lengths. There are more Content learning standards for Grade 9, as schools often offer these as full courses. Schools are required to provide students with the equivalent of a full-year “course” in Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies. This “course” can be made up of one or more of the modules listed below. Schools may choose from among the modules provided in the provincial curriculum or develop new modules that use the Curricular Competencies of Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies 9 with locally developed content. Locally developed modules can be offered in addition to, or instead of, the modules in the provincial curriculum.
Electronics and Robotics Students are expected to know the following: uses of electronics and robotics components of an electric circuit ways in which various electrical components affect the path of electricity mechanical devices for the transfer of mechanical energy robotics coding various platforms for robotics programming mechanical advantage and power efficiency, including friction, force, and torque basic robot behaviours using input/output devices, movement- and sensor-based responses, and microcontrollers platforms for PCB (printed circuit board) production Ohm’s law
Information and Communications Technologies Students are expected to know the following: text-based coding development and collaboration in a cloud-based environment programming modular components drag-and-drop mobile development binary representation of various data types, including text, sound, pictures, video design and function of networking hardware and topology, including wired and wireless network router types, switches, hubs, wireless transfer systems, and client-server relationships current and future impacts of evolving web standards and cloud-based technologies functions of operating systems, including mobile, open source, and proprietary systems
Design for the web strategies for curating and managing personal digital content, including management, personalization, organization, maintenance, contribution, creation, and publishing of digital content relationships between technology and social change strategies to manage and maintain personal learning networks, including content consumption and creation keyboarding techniques