Why Code?
Computational Thinking and Coding (CT&C) is a component in Grade 6 to 9 Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies (ADST) curriculum. This website contains resources and information supporting the use of CT&C throughout the K-12 system.

Our District Coding Initiative Team believes that CT&C is an important component in K-12, not just grades 6-9. Our strategy and approach aligns CT&C activities and learning opportunities with the VSB's Strategic Plan 2021 Guiding Principles.
For example, the majority of our proposed activities and resources focus on:
The majority of our projects and resources focus on the power of collaboration between students and their teachers.
A collaborative approach to real world problems encourages engagement through empathy, relevance, and real community connections.
We strive to create meaningful CT&C projects and ideas that include all students and aim to build connections for our diverse learners through coding activities.