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Diverse Learners

The Diverse Learners Department at Windermere Secondary School encompasses a wide range of district programs, classes and supports for our students. Resources such as variety laptops are also available to assist in student learning.

Department Goals:

  • To enable our students to become independent, engaged members of the Windermere community, helping them navigate and successfully manage the transition back into full day classes for the semester system.
  • To develop our students’ skills so they can self-reflect and advocate for themselves in order to transition into greater inclusion in the school and post-secondary life with a plan and confidence.

We feel that by providing our students with opportunities to work to the best of their abilities, helping our students become more independent, and helping them develop skills so that they are able to self-reflect and advocate for their needs, their confidence will grow.  As a result, their interest in, connection to and engagement with the school and community will also naturally strengthen. 

Windermere has three district programs that supports our Diverse Learners.  These programs include: 

• Learning Support Program (LSP)

• Life Skills (LS)

• P.A.S.E. (Project, Academics, Skills and Experience)

Please note:  These programs all have a district referral and application process. 

P.A.S.E. (Projects, Academics, Skills and Experience)

P.A.S.E. (Project, Academics, Skills and Experience) is a two-year program for grade 10 and 11 students.  PASE is an excellent choice for students 15-18 years old who are struggling in a traditional classroom setting or are leaving a junior special education program.  Students who join P.A.S.E. typically have a Learning Disability (Q). P.A.S.E. has a maximum capacity of fifteen students.  In a supportive, collaborative environment, students build their confidence and skills through a unique combination of core academics, work experience, community involvement and outdoor adventure. Students may have an elective separate from the P.A.S.E. program. When students transition to Grade 12, they continue their studies in mainstream classes or another program. Students may also return to their catchment schools in grade 12.

Learning Support Program (LSP)

The Learning Support Program (LSP) is a two-year program that provides academic support for students in grades 8 and 9 who have a Ministry Designation for a Learning Disability (Q). LSP has a maximum capacity of fifteen students.  The goal of the program is to support academics and assist students in developing learning strategies to expand on their strengths and work on their stretches. The students are timetabled into four LSP classes (English, Math, Science and Social Studies) and four mainstream electives.  When students transition to Grade 10, they continue their studies in mainstream classes or they are referred to another program.


Life Skill (LS)

Life Skills is a program for students in Grade 8 –12+( ages 12-19) who meet the Ministry criteria for Physical Disabilities (A), Deaf/Blind (B), Moderate to Severe Intellectual Disabilities (C) or Autism (G) and/or Chronic Health Impairment (D) have behaviour problems and/or special learning needs that cannot be met in the regular classroom.  Life Skills has a maximum capacity of fifteen students.  Pupils are referred to the program through their home school and the Vancouver School Board. Students work with the classroom teacher and support staff to develop learning and life skills through an Individual Education Plan (IEP). Students learn receptive and expressive communication skills, functional academic skills, and appropriate behavioural and social skills.  Students have the opportunity to engage in work experience (Grade 10 –12).

 In addition to the district programs, Windermere offers Academic Strategies and Learning Strategies to students who require additional support in their academic subject areas.


Academic Strategies

Academic Strategies is a course intended for Grade 8 and 9 students who require additional support in their academic subject areas. To further support these students, they will also be taught strategies necessary for school success such as test-taking strategies and organizational skills. In addition, they will receive assistance with coursework. Referrals are made by counsellors, subjects teachers and Grade 7 teachers in consultation with the Academic Strategies teachers, resource teacher and parents.


Learning Strategies

Learning Strategies is a support class that enrolls grade 10, 11 and 12 students. This course is intended for students who require additional support in their academic subject areas. This class provides students with the opportunity to focus on their courses and develop skills/strategies that will support their learning. With the support of the teacher, the students will focus on their areas of strengths and stretches to help support them in their courses and transition to post-secondary plans. The focus will be on developing independence, advocacy skills, and personal goal setting. Referrals are made by counsellors and subject teachers in consultation with the Learning Strategies teachers, resource teacher and parents. 

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