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Completed Capital Projects

Major Capital Projects Completed Since 1996

Seismic Mitigation Projects

Secondary Schools

  1. Britannia Secondary
  2. Byng Secondary (2003)
  3. Byng Secondary (2022)
  4. Kitsilano Secondary
  5. Magee Secondary
  6. Tupper Secondary
  7. University Hill Secondary (NRC UBC)
  8. Vancouver Technical Secondary

Elementary Schools

  1. Bayview Elementary
  2. Britannia Elementary
  3. Cavell Elementary
  4. Cook Elementary
  5. Dickens Elementary
  6. Douglas Elementary
  7. Douglas Annex
  8. Fleming Elementary
  9. Fraser Elementary
  10. Gordon Elementary
  11. Hastings Elementary
  12. Ideal Mini (Building A @ Laurier Elementary)
  13. Jamieson Elementary
  14. Jules Quesnel Elementary
  15. Kerrisdale Elementary
  16. Kingsford-Smith Elementary
  17. Kitchener Elementary
  18. Laurier Elementary
  19. L'Ecole Bilingue Elementary
  20. Livingstone Elementary
  21. Maple Grove Elementary
  22. Maquinna Elementary
  23. McBride Elementary
  24. Moberly Elementary
  25. Nelson Elementary
  26. Norma Rose Point Elementary
  27. Norquay Elementary
  28. Queen Mary Elementary
  29. Roberts Elementary
  30. Secord Elementary
  31. Selkirk Elementary
  32. Selkirk Elementary B Building
  33. Sexsmith Elementary
  34. Shaughnessy Elementary
  35. Strathcona Elementary
  36. Tecumseh Elementary
  37. Tennyson Elementary
  38. Total Education (@ Brock Annex)
  39. Trafalgar Elementary
  40. Trudeau Elementary
  41. Van Horne Elementary
  42. Wolfe Elementary
  43. Weir Elementary
  44. wək̓ʷan̓əs tə syaqʷəm Elementary School

School Expansion Projects

Elementary Schools

  1. Collingwood Neighbourhood Annex
  2. Crosstown Elementary
  3. Elsie Roy Elementary
  4. University Hill Elementary
  5. Trudeau Elementary

PLEASE NOTE:  The data contained in the individual school profiles is supplied on an 'as is, where is' basis. The Vancouver School Board assumes no obligation or liability for the use of the data by any person and makes no representations or promises regarding the completeness or accuracy or its fitness for a particular purpose.

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