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Parents & Caregivers

SACY Parent and Family Engagement Stream 
Experience has shown that youth with strong connections to family are less likely to use substances in a problematic way. SACY Parent Engagement Facilitators help equip caregivers to support youth to flourish emotionally, socially, spiritually and physically.

What do SACY Parent Engagement Facilitators do? Our facilitators work in secondary schools and communities, offering workshops for caregivers of teens and preteens. These workshops focus on understanding the developmental changes of adolescence, practical strategies to work together with youth, and communication and relationship-building skills that can strengthen parent-teen relationships.  We are also available to connect parents and caregivers  with community resources and supports to keep families strong and healthy.

Parent Testimonials:

See what SACY parent workshop participants have to say:

We are grateful for this important service. You have a non-confrontational style that works when relating to teens, and are very informative without being judgmental when relating to the parents. Thanks so much!

I did already have a good relationship with my son, but now we speak about subjects that I think I avoided before because I didn't feel confident and didn't want to pry and get pushed away.

Excellent advice to stay calm and maintain a composed state of non emotion and just respond by saying "OK" to my teen when he tells me about school occurrences.

The workshops made me more aware of the day to day stresses youth experience. I try to keep this in mind when parenting, especially when it comes to setting boundaries and discipline.

The capacity cafe helped me to feel more comfortable with my son being at a large high school. I had many fears about all of the trouble that he could get into and listening to the youths perspective I realize that all of the horror stories that I hear are not necessarily true and that I need to trust my son who is actually demonstrating pretty responsible behaviour.                 

[At the Capacity Café] I was moved that these young people were willing to share their feelings and experiences with us parents. Realized how much more we can learn from listening to them.       

[At the Capacity Café] I learned of the resiliency of youth and they all want to be loved.

[At the Capacity Café] I learned that "good" kids sometimes do drugs and drink and they're still "good" kids.     

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