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AP Chinese Language and Culture 12

AP Chinese Language and Culture Course Overview

Big Ideas

Families in Different Societies

Families shape values and traditions as well as personal beliefs and personal interests, which are evolving in contemporary societies.

 The Influence of Language and Culture on Identity 

Developments in science, technology, and social media impact language and the ways we communicate and, ultimately, how we see ourselves.

Influences of Beauty and Art

Art influences the quality of life, values, and history in a community and defines the concept of beauty.

 How Science and Technology Affect Our Lives 

Developments in science can both create and resolve challenges in contemporary society and affect the values and ethics of a community.

 Factors That Impact the Quality of Life 

Access to education, health care, justice, food, and water affects one’s social status, and therefore, impact the quality of life.

 Environmental, Political, and Societal Challenges 

Economic developments and environmental challenges often impact society and politics on a larger scale, which in turn affects individual families and communities.



AP Chinese Language and Culture is equivalent to an intermediate-level college course in Chinese. Students cultivate their understanding of Chinese language and culture by applying the interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational modes of communication in real-life situations as they explore concepts related to family and community, personal and public identity, beauty and aesthetics, science and technology, contemporary life, and global challenges.

Where does this course fit?

  • Pre-requisite: Can be taken at the same time as Mandarin 12
  • If not native Mandarin speaker, Mandarin 12 required.
  • Graduation Status: Grade 12 elective for graduation

Course Materials

  • All online; additional resources on College Board

Brief Outline



Culture and Holidays

There are many traditional holidays in Eastern and Western culture. We look at Chinese New Year and Chinese Valentine’s Day (Qi Xi), and compare these with similar traditions in western culture.

Culture and Food 

Food is a big part of Chinese culture. In this unit, we examine the art of eating, and how food is featured in traditional literature and stories.

Grammar and Listening

We look at some common grammatical structures for writing, and spend time on listening and speaking exercises.

Chinese in Canadian Culture 

How is life in British Columbia for the local Chinese communities? We look at the life of living in Canada with Chinese traditions.

Classical Literature

We read 4 classical Chinese writing (poems and short stories) selected by students and learn how writing can effectively communicate emotion of all ranges.

Assessment Percentage Breakdown

Assessment Type

Percentage of the Course









Final exam


You have up to a year to complete your course. 

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