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Foundations of Mathematics 12

Foundations of Mathematics 12 Course Overview

Big Ideas

Probabilistic thinking informs decision making in situations involving chance and uncertainty.

Modelling data requires an understanding of a variety of functions.

Mathematical analysis informs financial decisions.

Through explorations of spatial relationships, we can develop a geometrical appreciation of the world around us.



This Foundations of Mathematics 12 course is designed for the students who are planning to carry on in post-secondary studies in programs which do not require the study of theoretical calculus. Students will study and develop their understandings on the topics of Transformations, Combinatorics, Probability, Regression, and Financial Planning.

  • Prerequisites: Foundations of Mathematics 11 is recommended
  • Graduation Status: One of the Grade 11/12 Mathematics options required for graduation

Course Materials

  • All course materials including notes, videos, and practice questions are provided online.

Brief Outline



Startup Assignment

To do the startup quizzes and the startup assignment, students need to grasp graphical representations of polynomial, logarithmic, exponential, and sinusoidal functions.


Students will explore Fractals, Conics, Construction, and Tangents.


This unit covers the Fundamental Counting Principle, Permutations, Combinations, Pathways, Pascal’s Triangle, and the Binomial Theorem.


Students will learn how to classify events and study Conditional and Binomial Probability. Expected Value and Odds also are covered in this unit.

Regression Analysis

By studying regression analysis, which is a powerful statistical method, students will learn how to do Linear Regression, Polynomial Regression, Sinusoidal Regression, Exponential and Logarithmic Regression.

Financial Planning

In this unit, students might be happy to learn how to manage their finance currently or in their future life by studying the topics of Credit Cards, Mortgages, and Investment.

Assessment Percentage Breakdown

Assessment Type

Percentage of the Course

Note packages and Practice Questions


Chapter Assignments and Online Tests




Midterm exam


Final exam


You have up to a year to complete your course. 

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