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Comparative Cultures 12

Comparative Cultures 12 Course Overview

Big Ideas

Understanding the diversity and complexity of cultural expressions in one culture enhances our understanding of other cultures.

Interactions between belief systems, social organization, and languages influence artistic expressions of culture.

Geographic and environmental factors influenced the development of agriculture, trade, and increasingly complex cultures.

Value systems and belief systems shape the structures of power and authority within a culture.



This course investigates the history of humanity from the earliest times to roughly around the Fifteenth Century, give or take a few years. We will explore diverse societies from around the world, with particular regard to the political, cultural and economic structures, and historic forces that shaped the foundations of the modern world.

Where does this course fit?

  • Pre-requisites: Social Studies 10
  • Graduation Status: One of the Grade 11/12 Social Studies options required for graduation

Course Materials

  • All you need to complete this course is online. In each module, you will be given required readings. Simply click on the link and begin reading. There are also videos and additional resources where needed.

Brief Outline



Module 1 - Culture and  Civilization

We start with a look at what we mean by the words culture and civilization. We also consider the legacy of our modern world on the future.

Module 2 - Legends and Myths

We explore what it means to be human, focusing on the Cognitive Revolution and the role of myth and legend.

Module 3 - The Stone Age

Key characteristics of the Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic Ages.

Module 4 - Mesopotamia

In examining this cradle of civilization, we will look at how society and culture shifted as cities emerged and populations grew.

Module 5 - Egypt

A focus on some of the main pharaohs, and architectural legacies of Ancient Egypt.

 Modules 6 & 7 – The Classical World (Ancient Greece and Rome) 

We will take a look at the characteristics, philosophy and legacy of the Classical World.

Module 8 – Ancient China

The focus of this module is on the major dynasties and philosophies of Ancient China.

Module 10 - Western European Civilization

This module provides an overview of the European Middle Ages. What happened as the Roman Empire dissolved, and what happened to shift the world view and perspective towards the Renaissance and Enlightenment.

Module 9 – Meso-America

Who were the Olmec, Maya and Aztec peoples? What were their cultures like? How did European contact affect these cultures and peoples?

Assessment Percentage Breakdown

Assessment Type

Percentage of the Course





Midterm exam


Final exam


You have up to a year to complete your course.

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